Friday 21 August 2015

Dr. Mullen’s Picture Books for Kids Can Make Your Child Rise High in Life

Childhood is the most important phase in life. Whatever a person grasps, learns and assimilates during childhood remains with him/her throughout their lives. This is the reason why childhood is called the making period of one’s life. Dr. Paul Mullen is a renowned educator, speaker and author, who puts great stress on making the children realize the importance of their dreams and motivate them towards fulfilling their most cherished dream in life. 

Baseball Books For Kids

Dr. Mullen says that dreams provide the proper direction in life to young minds, without which their life would be like a ship without a helm vulnerable to monstrous waves in the vast and turbulent ocean of life. He says that every child is unique in some respect and every child has some dreams. First, the child should determine the most prominent of his/her dreams, and then work with full enthusiasm and devotion towards converting their selected dream into reality.

Dr. Mullen has designed a kids sports books series named “Baseball Books for Kids” containing inspirational stories intended to make children realize the power of their dreams and work towards fulfilling their dreams in life. This series consists of both text story books and picture books for kids. Out of these, the picture books for kids interest children the most. They contain colorful pictures, which naturally captivate the mind of young readers and develop their interest.

You may know more about the author, Dr. Mullen, and the books, and may also purchase these books online by visiting

Tuesday 11 August 2015

The Role of Picture Books for Kids in Transforming Children’s Lives

Childhood is the phase of life when our mind is highly receptive and flexible. Therefore, it is referred to as the best time for learning and inculcating good habits. Dr. Paul Mullen is a renowned author, educator, and speaker whose works are dedicated to the betterment and development of children. His much acclaimed series of kids sports books, named “Baseball Books for Kids,” is aimed at making children realize the power of their dreams. Dr. Mullen has always remained an advocate for the importance of childhood dreams and the need for converting the strongest of those dreams into reality.

Dr. Mullen’s kids sports books series basically consists of two types of books, viz., story books for kids and picture books for kids. Both of these are effective and inspirational at their place, but the role of picture books for kids in transforming children’s lives is even stronger and prominent. Given below are some reasons for this:
  • Picture books appeal to the strongest sense, i.e., the sense of sight; hence, they engage mind easily.
  • Picture books containing multicolored pictures naturally rouse the interest of children.
  • Picture books prevent the children from feeling bored or overwhelmed.
  • Picture books make the characters of stories real for a kid.
  • Picture books feel welcoming to most children.
Many children have benefitted till date by reading picture books for kids authored by Dr. Mullen. They have realized the importance of dreams and developed in themselves qualities like self-discipline, self-confidence, time-management, dedication, and sincerity through these wonderful story books.

If you are a parent and want your child also to rise higher in life by making his/her foundation strong; if you want his/her life to get transformed, then you should provide your child with these inspirational and ennobling picture books for kids or text story books as per his/her taste. You may purchase these books online at reasonable rates and know more about the author by visiting